
When land is not maintained regularly, it can soon become overgrown with thick vegetation. Once this happens, it can be difficult, if not impossible, to clear the land with a normal lawnmower, and you could find yourself with a difficult task. The best way to deal with this problem could be to obtain bush hogging services.

What Is Bush Hogging?

Bush hogging, or as it is also called, brush hogging, is a method of clearing land in which a specific rotary-cutting deck attachment is used to clear land and brush. The attachment is attached to the rear of a tractor or other similar vehicle and then pulled along. The brush hog then uses horizontally spinning blades to cut down the vegetation. It is a very heavy-duty rotary mower.

Uses for Bush Hogging

Bush hogging is useful in situations where a lawnmower is insufficient for cutting or clearing the brush and other vegetation from the land. In these situations, brush hogging should be able to handle the overgrown vegetation, including bushes and even small trees.

You could also hire someone to clear your land using a bulldozer or other heavy machinery, but this is likely to disturb other vegetation and your soil. So, it is important to consider exactly how much you want to be done to the land before deciding on which solution is best for you. Brush hogging will cut the overgrown vegetation without disturbing the soil. It will cut the brush while leaving the roots.

Also, the organic matter the bush hogger leaves behind will help the remaining plants to grow. It leaves a nutritious mulch that can be spread around any bushes, trees, or other plants that you wish to help grow. So, after bush hogging, your land will likely be healthier than before you cleared the brush.

When to Bush Hog

Bush hogging can be done at any time of year. The weather just needs to be good enough the day of the job for the workers to be able to do their job. Some people prefer bush hogging in the summer because it gives the workers a lot of daylight to complete their work. However, others argue that winter is better because the brush is brittle and easier to cut.

Clean Up After Bush Hogging

Most people will likely just use the material left after bush hogging for mulch. This can help plants to grow and keep the material out of landfills. But, if you don’t want to use the mulch, you could have it hauled away by a yard waste disposal company. These companies usually have the equipment needed to deal with large amounts of natural waste. If the problem is that some of the debris is too large to use as mulch, you could run it through a wood chipper so that it could more easily be used as mulch.

Final Thoughts

There are many uses for bush hogging, and you will likely find that it is less costly than many of the alternative methods for clearing brush or overgrown vegetation. Bush hogging can clear land and leave it healthier while making weeds less likely to grow back, so it has many advantages worth considering.

Contact Us

For professional bush hogging and brush hogging, trust the professionals at Coastal Brush Control LLC. Our professional team is licensed and insured with experience working with organizations, municipalities, and individual landowners alike. Call us at 910-915-6619 and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.