Forestry mulching is a land clearing method. It usually uses one machine to clear land by cutting down trees, bushes, vines, and other vegetation.

Forest mulching leaves the earth intact because trees and other vegetation are not pulled out of the ground. This is a particularly efficient method of land clearing in Eastern North Carolina’s protected wetlands and coastal areas and large agricultural zones.

Forestry mulching promotes healthy soil.  Unlike traditional techniques of land clearing, mulching does not push over trees and cause disturbance to the soil structure, increasing soil erosion.

The brush, trees, and grasses are turned into mulch on the spot rather than hauling away the fallen trees and branches. Forestry mulching is generally used to clear and manage the vegetation in a wooded area, controlling the spread of invasive species, and restoring wildlife health.

Forestry mulching converts the leftover vegetation in an area like brush, trees, short grassy foliage, and heavy branches into a natural, environmentally friendly top-layer of ground covering.

Caterpillar Machine Clearing Property
Clearing Heavy Brush With the Help of Caterpillar Machine
Bush Hogging Services


Bush hogging is clearing property of small trees and brush. You use a bush hog to brush cut or rough-cut mow as a form of landscaping. It helps to eliminate heavy brush to prepare land for farming, hunting, development, and other uses.

Bush hogging will chew up and spit out high weeds, brush, and saplings up to 1 inch in diameter. Like a mower, it will fling debris in all directions at high speeds, so it is important to make sure people and animals are well out of projectile range and you’re not bush hogging a field next to a full parking lot or a Sunday church service.


Coastal Brush Control can excavate and remove dirt and debris from your property. We can help fix drainage repair issues, cleanout ditches, remove shrubs and provide general cleanup as part of our residential excavation services.

We are focused on customer service and the best job quality in the industry. From beginning to end we are always available for questions and concerns to ensure each project turns out the way our customers expect.

Caterpillar Machine For Forest Mulching
Professional Excavation Services
Dump Trailer For Dirt Removal
Small Dump Truck


Coastal Brush Control is proud to provide Forestry Mulching, Bush Hogging, Land Clearing and Brush Cutting services for residents throughout Onslow County and Eastern North Carolina. Call us today to get a free quote.